
More than 1,100 Afghan migrants deported from Pakistan in one day

A returnees’ camp in Kandahar province. Many families have resettled in Kandahar after they were deported from Pakistan over the past two months.

Pakistani authorities deported 1,138 Afghan migrants on Thursday, marking a significant increase from the 700 deported the previous day, according to local media reports.

The deportations occurred through the Spin Boldak and Torkham border crossings, as Pakistan continues to expel undocumented immigrants.

Since last November, Pakistani media reports indicate that a total of 459,184 undocumented Afghans have been sent back to Afghanistan.

In a related development, Abdul Jabar Takhari, head of the Taliban’s consulate in Karachi, announced on Friday that 89 Afghan migrants detained in Pakistan’s Sindh province have been released. Takhari stated that these individuals were transported back to Afghanistan via the Chaman crossing.

He added that 279 Afghans remain detained in Pakistani prisons.