
Aid trucks cross into Gaza’s Rafah border crossing after diplomatic delays

After days of diplomatic negotiations and wrangling over delivery conditions, trucks laden with humanitarian aid successfully entered the Rafah border crossing, connecting Egypt with the Gaza Strip on Saturday.

On the Palestinian side of Rafah, a line of empty trucks eagerly awaited the arrival of much-needed supplies. These essential provisions will be stored in warehouses and subsequently distributed by the United Nations (UN) and the Palestinian Red Crescent.

Rafah serves as the principal gateway in and out of the Gaza Strip, uncontrolled by Israel, and remains the central focal point for delivering aid to Gaza’s 2.3 million residents. The situation arose after Israel enforced a comprehensive blockade and initiated airstrikes on Gaza in response to a deadly attack by the Palestinian group Hamas on Israeli territory on October 7.

Hamas, the governing authority in Gaza since 2007, announced the imminent arrival of a relief aid convoy consisting of 20 trucks. These trucks are tasked with transporting crucial supplies, including medicine, medical equipment, and a limited quantity of food and canned goods to support the distressed population.