
Protesters in D.C. commemorate one year since Mahsa Amini’s death in Iran

Demonstrators supporting Iran’s protest movement gathered in the nation’s capital on Saturday, marking the one-year anniversary of Mahsa Amini’s tragic death while in Iranian police custody. Amini’s passing had ignited political unrest within Iran.

Hundreds of protesters congregated in front of the White House before marching through the streets of Washington D.C. on Saturday, September 16. Their unified voices echoed slogans condemning the Iranian government and urging the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden to enhance sanctions against Iran.

Renowned British actress and activist Nazanin Boniadi called for bipartisan collaboration, emphasizing the need for U.S. Republicans and Democrats to unite in their efforts to assist the Iranian populace in their quest to challenge the regime.

“I think Iranians are seizing the opportunity of the first anniversary to reiterate to the world their rejection of the Islamic Republic regime. This regime, they contend, does not align with the values and ethics cherished by the Iranian people,” stated Navid Mohebbi, policy director for the National Union for Democracy in Iran. “Therefore, we stand here today in front of the White House, urging President Biden to exert all possible support for the people of Iran.”

“It is time for global leaders to acknowledge the ongoing revolution and shift their focus from asking what Iranians want to asking how they can provide support,” expressed a human rights activist. “For Gina, Nika, Kayan, Mohamed, Mehdi, Hossein, and countless others, our determination remains unwavering until we reclaim Iran.”

Since Amini’s death in police custody one year ago, Iran’s authorities have intensified their crackdown on dissent. Protests commenced shortly after the September 16th demise of the 22-year-old Kurdish Iranian woman, who had been apprehended by morality police three days prior for purportedly violating Iran’s compulsory Islamic dress code.

Meanwhile, within Iran on Saturday, security forces quelled protests in Kurdish regions of the country and briefly detained Mahsa Amini’s father.