
Kabul hosts exhibition to attract investment

The International Exhibition of Imam Abu Hanifah opened in Kabul on Sunday, aiming to attract investment to Afghanistan. The exhibition features a range of domestic products alongside international offerings.

The opening ceremony witnessed the presence of Taliban members and foreign diplomats who delivered speeches. A voice note, allegedly from Taliban leader Mullah Hibatullah, emphasized the importance of self-reliance and discouraged reliance on foreign aid for economic growth and prosperity.

Mullah Hibatullah urged potential investors to seize the current opportune environment and consider investing in Afghanistan.

Muhammad Zubair Motiwala, Chief Executive of the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan, highlighted Pakistan’s significant role as Afghanistan’s largest trading partner during his address at the exhibition.

Motiwala emphasized the importance of traders and businessmen from both countries leveraging the opportunities presented by the exhibition. He expressed Pakistan’s support for bold initiatives that foster a favorable environment for regional business communities.

Furthermore, Motiwala stated that Pakistan is actively facilitating Afghanistan’s smooth global trade through transit facilities. He informed the audience that Pakistan has granted substantial tariff concessions on all Afghan fruit and vegetable exports to Pakistan.

Abdul Ghani Baradar, the deputy chief minister of the Taliban, urged foreign investors to consider investing in Afghanistan during his speech at the event.

Baradar emphasized that foreign investors would receive the same facilities and benefits as domestic investors.

“I encourage both domestic and foreign investors to seize the opportunities available in Afghanistan. I assure foreign investors that they will enjoy the same privileges and rights granted to Afghan investors,” he stated.

Over 600 investors and businessmen from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, and Turkmenistan gathered at the exhibition. Notably, women entrepreneurs also showcased their products at the event.