
US was informed Poland would provide fighter jets to Ukraine:‌ White House

The US was informed of Poland’s decision to provide Ukraine with fighter jets, the White House said on Thursday.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters that it is part of a continued effort to closely coordinate with allies and partners.

“So we were informed by, the decision by Poland, to provide the jets to Ukraine. So we continue to closely coordinate with our allies and partners, including Poland, as we provide assistance to Ukraine. Yesterday, Secretary Austin, as you probably know, the 10th, hosted the 10th Ukraine Defense Contact Group in which countries around the world continue to step up,” she said.

Photo: Breaking Defense

Poland will send Ukraine four MiG-29 fighter jets in coming days, the president said on Thursday, making it the first of Kyiv’s allies to provide such aircraft.

One of Ukraine’s staunchest supporters, Warsaw has taken a leading role in persuading sometimes hesitant allies to provide Kyiv with heavy weaponry. It has said that any transfer of jets would be as part of a coalition.

On Tuesday, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that deliveries could be made in four to six weeks.

Duda said that Poland had roughly 10-20 MiG 29 jets.