South Asia

Top Pakistani politician accuses army of causing tensions ‘with neighbor’

Fazlur Rehman, head of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, has accused the Pakistan army of seeking to damage relations between Pakistan and Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.

Rehman stated that recent operations launched by the Pakistani army, under the pretext of ensuring national security, have adversely affected the country’s stability. He argued that while issues at the border with Iran are resolved within a week, the Pakistani government handles border issues with Afghanistan negligently.

Rehman, a prominent politician, revealed that during his visit to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, he brought back a letter guaranteeing Pakistan’s security from the Taliban. He also accused the Pakistani government of mistreating Pashtuns in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and other tribal areas.

Rehman claimed that after four decades of war, Afghanistan has now achieved security and stability. Known as the intellectual father of the Taliban, Rehman has openly supported the group over the past two decades.