
Afghanistan: Heavy rainfalls, flooding predicted in 23 provinces

The Taliban-run Meteorological Department has forecast heavy rainfalls and potential flooding in 23 provinces of Afghanistan on June 22-23.

In a statement, the department identified the affected provinces as Badakhshan, Takhar, Baghlan, Panjshir, Nuristan, Kunar, Laghman, Kapisa, Parwan, Nangarhar, Kabul, Logar, Paktia, Khost, Paktika, Ghazni, Maidan Wardak, Daikundi, Bamiyan, Samangan, Ghor, Sar-e Pul, and Faryab.

Rainfall in these provinces is expected to range between 15 to 30 millimeters, with wind speeds projected to reach between 50 to 75 kilometers per hour in various areas.

This warning comes after several provinces in Afghanistan have experienced severe flooding over the past month, resulting in significant damage.