
U.S. stresses inclusion of Afghan women, civil society in Doha meeting

Robert Wood, the U.S. deputy envoy to the United Nations, emphasized the importance of including women and civil society representatives from Afghanistan in the upcoming Doha meeting.

“We must ensure that women and civil society participants have a voice in Doha at the UN-hosted meeting of special envoys,” Wood said. “Their concerns must be highlighted in all deliberations on Afghanistan’s future.”

Speaking at a United Nations Security Council meeting on Afghanistan, Wood urged participants to stand with the people of Afghanistan, especially women, girls, and members of marginalized communities.

“We must insist on reversing these oppressive measures, pushing for justice and accountability for abuses, and clarifying that human rights cannot be sidelined or deprioritized,” Wood said. “The harm caused by the Taliban’s restrictions on women and girls cannot be overstated.”