
Women’s rights group calls for supporting women in Afghanistan

The statement urges, “Let’s stand with all our capacity alongside the women of Afghanistan.”

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Watchdog claims surge in female drug addiction under Taliban rule in Afghanistan

The watchdog attributed the rise in women’s drug addiction partly to the Taliban's closure of schools and universities for women.

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Female protesters urge religious clerics to oppose Taliban’s policies

They expressed disappointment that religious scholars have not publicly condemned these actions.

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Women’s watchdog claims 2,000 women in Taliban’s prisons

In a statement, the watchdog painted a grim picture of the situation, responding to the Taliban’s earlier assertion that there.

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USIP describes exclusion of women’s rights from Doha meeting as ‘compromise attempt’

Watkins pointed out the lack of civil society representation at the main event, especially the absence of Afghan women, which.

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Taliban bans women from recreational areas in Faryab

The directive specifically names Khwaja Ghar, Dara-e Shakh and Dara-e Rang as prohibited recreational areas for women.

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Amnesty International urges Taliban to protect human rights in Afghanistan

The human rights watchdog named a series of violations allegedly committed by the Taliban, including corporal punishment, extrajudicial killings, arbitrary.

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Paraglider in exile dreams of teaching girls in Afghanistan

Practicing sports as an Afghan girl in Pakistan has not been without difficulties.

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Afghanistan’s university exams end without women

Friday's final examination round included high school graduates who studied abroad, absentees, 14th-grade graduates, and graduates of religious schools.

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Afghanistan: Women, girls demand end to Taliban restrictions on World Population Day

The U.N.'s findings reveal that approximately 5.6 million Afghan migrants and refugees currently reside in 103 countries.

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