
June 24 marks International Day of Women in Diplomacy

The celebration comes amid dire suppressive restrictions on women and girls of Afghanistan imposed by the Taliban.

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Activists rally in Paris, call for ‘boycott’ of Doha meeting

The Taliban's invitation to the Doha meeting, extended by the UN, has sparked widespread reactions from women's rights advocates.

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Activists in Canada urge protection women’s rights protection at Doha meeting

The statement emphasized that the meeting should prioritize human rights, particularly the rights of women and girls, and hold the.

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Ex-MP criticizes exclusion of women from Doha meeting

“Attempts to design the third Doha meeting based on the desires of the Taliban go against U.N. Security Council Resolution.

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Women’s rights group urges protests against Taliban’s invitation to Doha meeting

In a statement, the movement expressed disappointment that Afghan cultural figures and artists in exile are not participating in protests.

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Second round of university entrance exams held without girls in Kabul

The Taliban1run National Examination Administration reported that high school graduates from Kabul's educational centers and districts participated in the exams.

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Amnesty International warns credibility of Doha meeting at risk without human rights focus

Callamard emphasized the importance of including Afghan women human rights defenders and other stakeholders from Afghan civil society.

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U.S. stresses inclusion of Afghan women, civil society in Doha meeting

Wood urged participants to stand with the people of Afghanistan, especially women, girls, and members of marginalized communities.

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Women’s rights group urges broader focus ‘beyond girls’ education’ in Afghanistan

In a statement, the movement stressed that while the education of girls is crucial, the Taliban's human rights abuses extend.

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FEMENA criticizes exclusion of women, civil society from Doha meeting

The group has said that the voices of Afghan women should be prominently featured.

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