
Afghani slightly falls against dollar

Two weeks ago, $100 was exchanged for 8,880 Afs, but now it is exchanged for 9,000 Afs, according to money.

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Expo opens in Nangarhar to promote domestic products

Exhibitors from around the country displayed their goods which ranged from machinery to fruit and vegetables as well as processed.

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Lack of services in Nangarhar industrial park crippling investors 

Bad roads, broken water systems and serious power outages in Sheikh Misri park causing major financial losses to local business.

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Trade through Nimroz border crossing drops by 70%: Investors

Traders face high tariffs and problems with Iranian border authorities at Nimroz crossing, while Farah and Herat ‘have different set.

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Afghanistan’s jewelry markets take hard knock amid ongoing economic crisis

Jewelers in Ghazni say their customers are mostly selling their jewelry in order to survive opposed to buying gold and.

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Afghanistan: Women’s handicrafts market falls in Ghor

Soraya, who runs a handicrafts workshop in Ghor, stated that handicrafts had a flourishing market before the collapse of Afghanistan.

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Dozens of workers dismissed from Baghlan’s Ghori Cement Factory

The key cement factory was producing 1,000 tons a day but since the Taliban takeover this has dropped to only.

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Economists call into question World Bank’s report on Afghanistan

Experts point out that a number of key categories were not included in the bank’s latest report that is ‘contradictory’.

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170 Kandahar factories close due to power shortages

Shoradam now has only 130 factories that are still operational as they get electricity for only five to eight hours.

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World Bank says Afghanistan’s revenue collection and exports remain strong

The bank says a stable exchange rate, anti-corruption efforts and other measures have enabled the Taliban to contain the economic.

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