
Watchdogs warn Taliban suppresses freedom of speech, media

The arrested journalists were detained in the provinces of Kunduz, Ghazni, Herat, Kandahar, Khost, Parwan, and Kabul.

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People say Taliban restrictions, poverty ‘force them to flee’

Over the past three years, job opportunities have significantly decreased, prompting many to seek refuge elsewhere.

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Afghanistan: Eight people injured in attack Muharram ceremony in Sar-e-Pul

According to witnesses, a person on a motorcycle threw a hand grenade at the mourners.

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Pakistan reiterates call for Taliban to act against TTP

Baloch emphasized that such attacks undermine bilateral relations and regional stability.

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Traffic accident in Herat kills six

The collision took place in the Raj area when a Corolla vehicle collided with a truck.

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Trump claims Afghanistan is major seller of US weapons left behind

Trump criticized President Joe Biden's withdrawal strategy and recounted a stern warning he gave to Taliban negotiators.

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Republicans call Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal ’embarrassing’

Speaking at the Republican National Convention, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich described the withdrawal as "chaotic."

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Watchdog reports 90 cases of threats, detentions of journalists

Three local radio stations were temporarily closed for a few days to a week, but the two television channels and.

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734 flood-affected families in Afghanistan need urgent assistance, UN reports

The natural disasters caused significant infrastructure damage in these provinces.

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Afghanistan: Heavy rain, floods and strong winds predicted in 17 provinces

Rainfall is expected to range between 15 to 40 millimeters in different regions.

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