Bagram Airfield attacked, claims movement
The attack was conducted after midnight on Tuesday, the Afghanistan Freedom Front said.
The attack was conducted after midnight on Tuesday, the Afghanistan Freedom Front said.
Rifts between Tajik and Pashtun officials and commanders of the Taliban have been on the rise in the last 10.
Officials said their assessment of the last three months shows minor drivers have caused most of the traffic accidents in.
At the same time, a Taliban outpost was attacked nearby the attack scene in Herat's District 4.
The absence of women, media and civil society activists is among the main issues questioned by the people and analysts.
Sources say the Taliban has started collecting property left by Balkhab residents who have left the district.
Journalists in Kapisa said they are faced with restrictions and lack of access to information by the Taliban.
The helicopter was returning from Balkhab district in the northern Sar-e-Pul province when it crash-landed in Jawzjan.
US says it supports the Afghan people’s demands that girls are allowed to return to school.
Female students said other limitations, including hijab, have also been imposed on them at their hostel.