
Taliban seeks UN assistance to halt Pakistan’s expulsion of ‘Afghan migrants’

Taliban’s acting defense minister Yaqub Mujahid in an address to a gathering in Kabul on Thursday denounced Pakistan’s decision to expel Afghan migrants and warned of potential strains in the bilateral relationship.

Mujahid characterized Pakistan’s actions as “unjust” and called upon the United Nations and other international organizations to intervene and prevent the expulsion.

“We denounce Pakistan’s decision to deport Afghan migrants as an unjust and unfair move,” stated Mujahid. “This action threatens to strain the relations between our two nations.”

He further appealed to “all international organizations and countries that champion human rights, as well as the United Nations, to take swift action to halt Pakistan’s implementation of this measure.”

According to a statement by the Taliban’s ministry of refugees on Thursday, at least 23,000 Afghan nationals have been “deported” from Pakistan through Torkham and Spin Boldak border crossings over the past 20 days.

Mujahid also urged Afghan investors in Pakistan to consider relocating their businesses back to Afghanistan.

According to reports, an estimated 600,000 Afghan citizens have sought refuge in Pakistan since the Taliban assumed control of Afghanistan in August 2021. Pakistan has set a one-month deadline for approximately 1.73 million Afghan migrants to depart the country.