
Herat farmers face market challenges amid bumper fig harvest

HERAT, Afghanistan — Farmers in the Zindajan district of Herat province are grappling with the challenge of finding viable markets for their abundant fig harvest, both domestically and internationally.

Despite a 35 percent increase in fig production compared to last year, farmers report that the lack of market access is forcing them to sell their produce at significantly reduced prices in local markets. Many fear that without better marketing and export opportunities, their efforts will continue to yield limited financial returns.

“As you can see, thank God, the fig harvest has flourished. This amount of figs is too much for Herat, and if it is exported to other provinces, it would be profitable for us,” said Nader Shah, a farmer in Zindajan.

Farmers argue that with the right support and infrastructure, they could scale up production for export markets. However, they cite the country’s deteriorating economic conditions and the absence of both domestic and international market avenues as significant barriers to growth.

“The first thing that needs to be done is marketing,” said Baz Mohammad, another farmer from the district. “Currently, we do not even cover the provinces, but if we are supported, we can cover not only the country but also the region. Marketing is essential, and it should be transported through air corridors.”

In response to these concerns, Taliban officials in Herat have projected a harvest of over 10,000 metric tons of figs from Zindajan’s orchards this year.

“According to our prediction, 620,000 hectares of land in Zindajan district are under fig cultivation, yielding over 10,000 tons of figs,” said Nasim Sahar, the Taliban-appointed director of agricultural affairs in Herat.

Zindajan district remains a key supplier of figs, with its orchards contributing a substantial portion of the region’s fig markets. However, without adequate market infrastructure and support, farmers fear that their potential may go unrealized.