Amu Region

Tajikistan reports 25% increase in drug seizures, mainly from Afghanistan

Tajikistan experienced a significant increase in drug seizures in the first half of 2024, with the Khatlon region, which borders Afghanistan, accounting for nearly half of the total haul, local media reported on Monday.

According to Samad Zafar, Director of the Drug Control Agency under the President of Tajikistan, the volume of seized drugs rose by 25% compared to the same period in 2023.

Speaking at a press conference, Zafar reported that “3 tons 96 kg 611 g of drugs were seized in the country as a whole,” marking an increase of 619 kg from last year. The Khatlon region, particularly its border areas with Afghanistan, was identified as a major point of concern.

“The bulk of these substances were confiscated in the Khatlon region, especially in the border areas where drugs are smuggled from Afghanistan. During the reporting period, 1 ton 381 kg of drugs were seized in this region, which is 44.6% of the total volume of substances seized in the country,” Zafar said.

Despite the increase in drug seizures, Zafar emphasized that Tajikistan does not have any drug production laboratories within its borders. “There are no drug production laboratories in the country, and they are smuggled into the country from abroad, especially from Afghanistan,” he stated.

Zafar also highlighted the lack of cooperation between Tajikistan’s anti-drug agencies and those in Afghanistan, noting, “there are no joint operations or events.”

The first half of 2024 also saw a rise in the number of foreign citizens detained for drug trafficking in Tajikistan. “Ten foreign citizens were detained in Tajikistan for drug trafficking, which is five more than in the same period of 2023,” Zafar noted. These individuals were found with over 235 kg of drugs. Among the detainees were five Afghan citizens, three from Uzbekistan, one from Kazakhstan, and one from Kyrgyzstan.

This comes as the Taliban has claimed a significant reduction in poppy cultivation in Afghanistan.