
Saudi ambassador returns to Kabul, meets Taliban foreign minister

KABUL, Afghanistan — Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Afghanistan, Faisal bin Talq Al-Baqmi on his return to Kabul met with the Taliban’s foreign minister, Amir Khan Muttaqi, on Thursday.

In a statement, Taliban said the meeting focused on “bilateral relations.”

According to Reuters, Saudi diplomats had left Kabul in February 2023 due to security threats. The report cited sources indicating that the embassy closure and the departure of diplomats were prompted by these threats.

During the meeting, Muttaqi requested that the Saudi ambassador undertake a “bilateral mission” in Afghanistan, the statement said.

The Taliban’s statement quoted the ambassador as saying that relations between Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan are moving towards “further development.”

The ambassador also emphasized the continuation of humanitarian aid to Afghanistan, the statement said.

Saudi Arabia’s embassy has not commented on this meeting so far.

This meeting follows a recent visit to Saudi Arabia by Taliban Interior Minister Sirajuddin Haqqani, who met with several Saudi officials. Haqqani is on the United States’ intelligence and security blacklist, with a $10 million bounty on his head.