
3,400 migrants enter Afghanistan from Iran in one day

Afghan returnees in Afghanistan. Photo: WFP

KABUL, Afghanistan — Iran continues to deport or voluntarily send Afghan migrants back, with 3,400 returning to Afghanistan on Monday, June 24, according to the Taliban-run Ministry of Refugees.

In addition, Pakistan continues its deportation of undocumented immigrants, with 485 Afghan migrants deported on June 24, the ministry said.

According to the ministry’s statement, 1,628 individuals entered Afghanistan through the Islam Qala border and 1,771 others through the Silk Bridge border.

Simultaneously, 295 individuals entered through the Spin Boldak crossing, and 190 others through the Torkham crossing.

The statement also noted that 84 individuals released from Pakistani prisons were among the returning migrants.

Since October 2023, Pakistan has deported over 600,000 undocumented Afghan immigrants as part of its campaign against undocumented migrants. Those returning from Iran and Pakistan face dire economic situations, according to aid agencies.