
Ex-MP criticizes exclusion of women from Doha meeting

Fawzia Koofi, a former member of Afghanistan’s parliament, has voiced strong criticism over the exclusion of women from the third round of the Doha meeting, deeming it contrary to international resolutions.

Koofi stated that excluding women, civil society organizations, and democratic forces represents “yet another failure of the UN, which now sees itself as the only player in Afghanistan.” She referenced the first Doha process, which led to a peace deal between the U.S. and the Taliban, arguing that excluding the former Afghan government from those talks resulted in the collapse of national institutions.

“Attempts to design the third Doha meeting based on the desires of the Taliban go against U.N. Security Council Resolution 2721,” she argued.

The third round of the Doha meeting is scheduled to take place from June 30 to July 1, with special envoys from various countries and a Taliban delegation in attendance. However, human rights and the appointment of a U.N. special envoy for Afghanistan, initially key topics for discussion, are reportedly off the table, according to some sources.