
Afghanistan: US provides $12 million urgent aid package for earthquake relief

In the wake of the devastating magnitude 6.3 earthquakes that struck northwestern Afghanistan on October 7 and October 11, the United States, through USAID, is swiftly providing $12 million in humanitarian aid to address the immediate needs of affected communities, as stated by USAID.

The destructive earthquakes have resulted in a tragic toll of at least 2,000 casualties, including fatalities and injuries.

In the immediate aftermath of the seismic events, USAID humanitarian partners mobilized swiftly, conducting comprehensive damage assessments and delivering essential humanitarian aid, including critical medical care.

The newly announced funding also encompasses support for USAID’s partner, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), to continue reaching out to those affected by the earthquakes, providing them with urgently required supplies. These supplies include emergency shelter kits, materials for cooking and water collection, blankets, solar lamps, clothing, and other essential household items.

With infrastructure severely affected in various villages, IOM is taking steps to ensure that earthquake-affected populations have access to safe drinking water and is actively participating in the rehabilitation of water sources.

It is worth noting that households in the affected regions were already contending with cases of acute watery diarrhea, a waterborne illness, even before the earthquakes. The additional assistance from USAID aims to prevent further disease outbreaks, which could be exacerbated by limited access to safe drinking water.

Special envoy Thomas West, representing the United States, announced the allocation of this crucial aid, emphasizing that it will provide much-needed supplies, including safe drinking water, emergency shelter kits, materials for cooking and water collection, and blankets.

“We extend our condolences for the loss of life caused by these earthquakes and stand in unwavering solidarity with the people of Afghanistan as they strive to recover from these crises,” he stated.