
Hundreds of European nationals depart Niger as evacuations continue

France and Italy have successfully evacuated over 300 people, including 21 US nationals, from Niger in the past 24 hours, as the political situation in the country remains uncertain.

On Wednesday morning, a plane carrying 87 evacuees, including 36 Italians, 21 Americans, and one British citizen, touched down in Rome. These individuals were among those evacuated from Niger following a recent military coup that saw the ousting of Niger’s democratically elected President Mohamed Bazoum and his government on July 26. This marked the seventh military takeover in less than three years in West and Central Africa.

The coup has caused concern across the West Africa’s Sahel region, which is known for its poverty and instability. Niger, previously regarded as the West’s most stable ally in the fight against a fast-growing Islamist insurgency, has been facing heightened tensions since the recent political upheaval.

In addition to the Italian flight, the first plane carrying French nationals and citizens of other European countries, who sought to leave Niger, landed in Paris on Wednesday. The chartered flight, organized by France, departed Niger on Tuesday evening, and French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna confirmed that 262 people were onboard.

The evacuations are ongoing, with more flights expected on Wednesday. French nationals have been advised to proceed to the international airport in Niamey, the capital of Niger, as part of the evacuation efforts, according to the French foreign ministry’s website.