
McCaul applauds passage of bill to reimburse funds spent others during Afghanistan evacuation

A bill aimed at reimbursing personal funds expended by veterans, American citizens, lawful permanent residents, and Afghanistan allies during the Afghanistan evacuation has passed out of committee, receiving support from a wide range of outside groups, a statement by US congressman Michael McCaul said.

The legislation, known as H.R. 4517 and sponsored by US Congressman Warren Davidson (R-OH), requires the Secretary of State to submit a plan for the reimbursement of expenses related to the emergency evacuation of American citizens, American lawful permanent residents, and Afghan allies from Afghanistan, among other purposes.

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul has co-sponsored this significant bill, which addresses the financial burden placed on individuals who took action to rescue fellow citizens and allies left behind by the administration’s evacuation efforts.

“Because the Biden administration was completely unprepared for the emergency evacuation from Afghanistan, everyday Americans were forced to step up to save American citizens, green card holders, and Afghan allies who fought alongside them on the battlefield,” said McCaul.

He added, “Many of them – including thousands of U.S. veterans – were forced to use their own money to fund these rescue operations, often draining their life savings to do what the U.S. government should have been doing. I’m so pleased the committee has passed this important legislation to repay Americans who stepped up to do the work the Biden administration failed to do.”

Congressman Warren Davidson echoed McCaul’s sentiment, highlighting the courage and sacrifice of American citizens who put their own lives at risk to evacuate their fellow citizens and allies during the botched withdrawal.

“These heroes should be repaid for their service to our country, and I thank my colleagues from across the political spectrum who’ve supported this effort,” said Davidson.

The bill aims to alleviate the financial burden faced by those who selflessly took action during the chaotic Afghanistan evacuation and garnered strong bipartisan and external support.