
US House Committee on Oversight schedules hearing on ‘disastrous withdrawal’

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Washington’s House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer announced Wednesday it will hold a hearing titled “The Biden Administration’s Disastrous Withdrawal from Afghanistan, Part I: Review by the Inspectors General” next week. 

In a statement issued late Wednesday, the committee said a full full committee hearing on Wednesday April 19 will examine the work completed by the Inspector General (IG) community regarding the Biden Administration’s failed Afghanistan withdrawal, and the factors that led to the collapse of the Afghan government.

“Since the botched withdrawal, the Biden Administration has been slow to provide information to Congress and has even obstructed the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction’s (SIGAR) congressionally mandated investigations,” the statement read.

“President Biden and his Administration’s decisions during the Afghanistan withdrawal led to the deaths of 13 servicemembers, left Americans completely stranded, allowed U.S. military equipment to fall into Taliban hands, jeopardized progress made by Afghan women, and destabilized the entire region.”

The committee stated that the Biden administration not only continues to provide excuses for the “self-inflicted humanitarian and national security catastrophe, but senior officials are actively obstructing meaningful congressional oversight.”

Witnesses expected to testify before the committee will be “SIGAR as well as Inspectors General for the Department of Defense, Department of State, and U.S. Agency for International Development to examine their work on the factors that led to the collapse of Afghanistan. I look forward to their testimony as we work to hold this Administration accountable and get Americans’ answers,” said Comer.

The list of witnesses are as follows:

Robert Storch, Inspector General, Department of Defense (DOD)

Diana Shaw, Acting Inspector General, Department of State (State)

Nicole Angarella, Acting Deputy Inspector General, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)John Sopko, Inspector General, Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR)