
Taliban higher education minister blocks journalists from filming during visit to Khost

The Taliban’s Minister of Higher Education, Neda Mohammad Nadim, barred journalists from filming or recording footage during his visit to Khost province on Saturday, sources told Amu.

Nadim also prohibited reporters from covering a meeting he held with journalists in the province, the sources said.

Despite multiple attempts, Amu was unable to obtain comments from local Taliban officials in Khost by the time of publication.

This incident comes amid growing restrictions on media coverage under the Taliban. In an interview with France 24, Saif Khyber, the Taliban spokesperson for the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, stated that the group plans to gradually enforce a ban on filming living beings.

The Afghanistan Journalists Center recently reported that TV channels in Takhar province have ceased operations following the implementation of the Taliban’s ban on filming living beings. This restriction is part of a broader set of oppressive measures introduced by the Taliban’s Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, further curbing the freedoms of Afghan citizens, particularly women and girls.