Art & Culture

Afghanistan’s National Institute of Music condemns Taliban’s destruction of instruments

The Afghanistan National Institute of Music (ANIM) has condemned the Taliban’s destruction of more than 21,000 musical instruments, calling it an “unprecedented attack” on the nation’s cultural heritage and the fundamental rights of Afghans to express themselves through music.

In a statement, the institute described the act as a deliberate effort to erase Afghanistan’s rich musical traditions and a broader violation of human rights, particularly the right to artistic and cultural expression.

“The deliberate annihilation of these instruments represents not only a direct assault on Afghanistan’s musical traditions but also a broader violation of human rights, particularly the right to artistic and cultural expression,” the statement said.

ANIM’s founder and director expressed deep sorrow and outrage over what he called the “relentless destruction” carried out by the Taliban.

“The Taliban’s actions are not only an attack on the musical instruments but an assault on the spirit of freedom, creativity, and the vibrant cultural legacy of Afghanistan,” he said.

On August 20, the Taliban’s Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice announced that it had destroyed at least 21,000 musical instruments over the past year. The Taliban has enforced a ban on playing musical instruments and music throughout Afghanistan.