
Anniversary of attack on American University of Afghanistan marks eight years

KABUL, Afghanistan— August 24 marks the eighth anniversary of the deadly attack on the American University of Afghanistan, a tragedy that claimed the lives of 16 civilians, including several students.

The assault began around 7 p.m. on August 24, 2016, and continued until 10 a.m. the following morning, leaving a deep scar on the university and its community.

Despite the passage of eight years, no group has claimed responsibility for the attack. At the time, the Taliban indicated that it would investigate the incident, but no findings have been made public.

The attack on the university resulted in the deaths of seven students, one lecturer named Naqibullah Khplwak, three police officers, and two guards. Nearly 50 students were injured in the attack.

The attack occurred in the wake of the kidnapping of two university lecturers—American Kevin King and Australian Timothy Weeks—further heightening concerns about the safety of educational institutions in Afghanistan.