
84 families deported from Iran, Pakistan in one day

KABUL, Afghanistan — As deportation of Afghan migrants continues, 84 families were repatriated to Afghanistan from Iran and Pakistan on Friday, August 23, according to Taliban-run Refugees Ministry.

Taliban-run Bakhtar News Agency reported that some families returned voluntarily, while others were forced to leave by the host countries. The agency detailed that 29 families entered Afghanistan through the Torkham border crossing, and 10 families crossed via Spin Boldak, with all of these families having been deported by Pakistan.

Additionally, 45 families returned from Iran through the Silk Bridge border in Nimroz Province, according to the report.

The deportations come amid a broader pattern of migrant returns. A recent report by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) indicated that nearly 700,000 Afghan migrants have returned to Afghanistan between September 15 of last year and July 31 of this year.

In October 2023, Pakistan implemented a policy requiring all Afghan migrants to leave the country. There have also been reports of mistreatment of Afghan migrants by Iranian authorities.