
Peace movement criticizes ‘exclusion of women’ from Doha meeting

Harakat-e Mili Sulh wa Adalat, a peace movement, has condemned the exclusion of women and civil society members from the Doha meeting, asserting that the move contradicts United Nations resolutions.

The third round of the Doha meeting is set to commence this evening.

“The decision to exclude representatives of Afghan women and civil society from the third Doha meeting is in violation of UN principles and resolutions,” the movement said in a statement.

The group emphasized the importance of appointing a special UN representative for Afghanistan at this meeting—one of the key issues outlined in a Security Council resolution adopted last December.

While criticizing the exclusion, the movement praised the UN’s efforts toward peace and security in Afghanistan, expressing hope that the Doha meeting would lead to the establishment of an inclusive government in Afghanistan.

Envoys from around 30 countries and organizations, including the Taliban, have been invited to the Doha meeting.