
Women’s network: ‘Gender apartheid’ documented in Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan — The Afghanistan Women’s Political Participation Network has said that “gender apartheid” is evident and well-documented in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.

In a statement marking the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, the network highlighted the oppression and torture women have faced during the three years of Taliban rule.

“Given the instances of violence and torture against women, gender apartheid in Afghanistan must be recognized,” the statement read.

The network called on global organizations to intensify efforts against the abuse, torture, and violence inflicted on children, women, and men worldwide.

The Afghanistan Women’s Political Participation Network also described June 26, the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, as an opportunity to reaffirm respect for human rights in Afghanistan.

Since the Taliban took power less than three years ago, reports of torture and violence against women, minorities, and civil and media activists have surged.

Reports indicate that the Taliban has issued at least 50 decrees restricting women’s rights during this period.

Furthermore, Taliban has publicly flogged and physically tortured hundreds of individuals, including women, across various provinces since their return to power.