
U.S. envoy stresses human rights inclusion in talks on Afghanistan’s future

In a message on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, Rina Amiri, the U.S. Special Envoy for Human Rights in Afghanistan, underscored the enduring suffering of “innocent Afghans amidst nearly five decades of relentless conflict”. Amiri emphasized the urgent need for incorporating human rights considerations into discussions about Afghanistan’s future to break “the cycle of violence”.

“Recalling, on International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, countless innocent Afghans who’ve suffered brutality in nearly 50 years of conflict, including under the current regime,” Amiri stated in her post. “The cycle of conflict will not end unless human rights are included in forums on Afghanistan’s future.”

Amiri’s call to action comes at a critical time as Afghanistan continues to grapple with political instability and ongoing human rights abuses under the Taliban rule. Her statement also comes few days ahead of the third Doha meeting on Afghanistan.

The International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, observed annually on June 26, serves as a reminder of the global commitment to ending torture and supporting its victims. Amiri’s remarks resonate with the day’s purpose, urging international actors to prioritize human rights in their engagement with Afghanistan.