
Second round of university entrance exams held without girls in Kabul


The second round of this year’s university entrance examinations took place on Friday in Kabul, notably without the presence of female students.

The Taliban1run National Examination Administration reported that high school graduates from Kabul’s educational centers and districts participated in the exams.

However, for the second consecutive time, twelfth-grade girls were excluded. The Taliban has imposed strict bans on girls and women, barring them from schools, universities, workplaces, and restricting their freedom of movement.

Female graduates criticized these policies, stating that they are being prevented from achieving their dreams despite years of hard work and dedication. “We struggled very hard, studied in school for twelve years, and were waiting for the university entrance exams.

But this is the third year the Kankor exam is held, and boys are allowed to take it, but girls are not,” one student said, expressing frustration over the Taliban’s repressive policies. She requested anonymity.

Another student, Maryam, who has been similarly deprived of the examination, lamented that the Taliban has crushed her aspirations. “If the university entrance examination had been available to us, this year might have been our first or second year in university. I wanted to succeed in the medical field and become a good doctor to serve the community,” she said.

According to statistics from the Taliban-run National Examination Administration, 150,000 forms were distributed to applicants in Kabul and the provinces for this year’s university entrance examination.

The administration revealed plans to admit over 67,000 individuals to universities, higher education institutions, semi-higher education programs, and night shift programs. However, all available slots were allocated to male students, leaving girls and women deprived of their education both in schools above grade six and universities.