Heavy snowfall closes key routes across Afghanistan
The Herat-Torghundi highway has also been shut down due to heavy snow and high winds.
The Herat-Torghundi highway has also been shut down due to heavy snow and high winds.
The award holds the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, the Taliban-led government, responsible for the debt incurred by its Western-backed predecessor.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Afghan migrants in Pakistan reported that police conducted a house-to-house search in Islamabad’s B-17 sector on Friday.
Travelers have been urged to remain in safe locations and to avoid traveling through the pass unless absolutely necessary.
“We call on Australia to cancel all its matches with Afghanistan’s men’s teams,” the group said.
Taliban said they responded “intensely” to the attacks.
Nimroz, located in southwestern Afghanistan along the border with Iran, has long seen foreign currencies in use, a practice common.
Speaking during a briefing, Mr. Dar attributed the re-entry of 35,000 to 40,000 TTP fighters to poorly considered policies, including.
Many of these migrants, now clustered in a remote corner of Helmand Province, described their struggles to rebuild their lives.
Pauline Eloff, head of WFP emergencies, described the dire situation in a video message, highlighting how heavy snow isolates many.