
Afghanistan: Watchdog alarmed by recent moves against media

RSF also said the Taliban government must free the detained journalists and respect press freedom.

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Munich Security Conference: Female foreign ministers seek removal of bans on Afghan women

The group ‘condemn the Taliban’s’ push to exclude women from all public life’ and say they are committing human rights.

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US House Republicans ramp up probe into chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal

Oversight committee chair James Comer has said the ‘Biden administration’s ongoing obstruction of this investigation is unacceptable’

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Afghanistan: 11, including two women, publicly flogged in Badakhshan

Sources said each of the accused was lashed 39 times by members of the Taliban’s vice and virtue office in.

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Ismail Mashal: Family concerned about outspoken professor in Taliban custody

One of his relatives said “there is no news about his whereabouts,” while his family has visited Taliban's intelligence office.

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Afghan journalist Laila longs for the day she can return to work

Losing her job was a huge blow to her, she said adding that it not only crushed her dreams but.

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China, Iran urge Taliban to end restrictions on women’s work, education

The two sides also ‘called on the Afghan rulers to form an inclusive government in which all ethnic groups and.

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Two former army commanders arrested by Taliban in Kabul: Sources

The two arrested include Farid Sayed Khilil, a former army regiment commander for Baghlan and Parwiz Sayedkhili, former battalion commander.

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Taliban ban on female NGO workers cuts off aid for widows and single women

Save the Children’s CEO says this is not the time for the foreign community and donor governments to turn their.

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Man donates his land to school in Bamiyan

A villager gave land to the education directorate so a school can be built for the children who walk up.

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