Sellers in Herat report decline in market for women’s handicrafts
Since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, the country has plunged into a dire economic crisis, with over 70 percent of.
Since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, the country has plunged into a dire economic crisis, with over 70 percent of.
Additionally, 18 families entered Afghanistan via the Abrishom crossing, and 32 families entered through the Islam Qala border in Herat.
Afghan migrants in Islamabad have accused the Pakistani Foreign Ministry’s visa issuance process of corruption.
Last month, Taliban conducted the bar examination for the third consecutive year without the participation of women.
The report reveals that 172 of the 300 documented executions were related to drug offenses.
The World Bank emphasized that all construction payments and future revenues will be managed externally, minimizing Taliban interference.
Some sources have indicated that the delays are due to a shortage of passports at the provincial passport department.
Mahnaz, who was in the ninth grade when the schools were shut down, explains that she is a victim of.
I am saddened by the fragmentation of the Taliban into various factions,” Haqqani told the participants.
The accident occurred in Khan Charbagh district of Faryab province.