Taliban condemns Iran’s treatment of Afghan refugee as ‘concerning’
In a statement, the Taliban-run Ministry of Refugees called on Iran to adhere to the “principles of migration and good.
In a statement, the Taliban-run Ministry of Refugees called on Iran to adhere to the “principles of migration and good.
The deportations come amid increasing reports of harsh treatment faced by Afghan refugees in both neighboring countries.
The two sides also emphasized the need for creating favorable conditions in Afghanistan to facilitate the repatriation of Afghan refugees.
The group has become "the greatest external terrorist threat" to Europe, UN deputy chief said.
"Rijaee gave his life working to improve the lives of Afghans living in Kunar province," Decker said.
The ban has raised significant concerns among students and educators alike.
The Iranian police's treatment of this Afghan migrant teenager has sparked a wave of reactions.
Akhundzada emphasized that all government employees and officials must perform the five daily prayers on time.
Taliban has informed all media officials that licenses issued during the Republic era are no longer valid and must be.
On Wednesday, the Taliban flogged a man and a woman for "inappropriate relations."