
Taliban leader urges governors to prioritize ‘focus on youth’

Taliban leader Mullah Hibatullah.

In a recent meeting with his provincial governors, Taliban leader Haibatullah Akhundzada called for special attention to be given to the country’s youth.

According to a statement released by Taliban, Akhundzada, who met with his governors in Kandahar, emphasized the need to “pay special attention to the education of the younger generation” and to “raise a generation with an Islamic spirit.”

Over the past three years, Taliban has established thousands of religious schools, often referred to as “jihadist madrassas and religious madrassas,” which primarily attract young men. At the same time, Taliban has barred girls above the sixth grade from attending school.

During the meeting, Akhundzada also reiterated the importance of enforcing Sharia law, instructing governors to prevent “un-Islamic activities” in their provinces.

He stressed the need to “preserve the regime and implement Sharia.”

Akhundzada, who has yet to appear in public and is known only through audio recordings released by the Taliban, has repeatedly emphasized the importance of upholding the Taliban’s interpretation of Islamic law. However, he has not addressed the issue of women’s education, rights, or freedoms in his public statements.