
Almost 4,000 Afghan migrants repatriated from Iran, Pakistan in one day

Afghan migrants returning from Pakistan. File photo.

As the deportation and return of Afghan migrants continue, nearly 4,000 Afghan nationals entered the country from Iran and Pakistan on Sunday, July 21, according to the Taliban-run Ministry of Refugees.

The ministry reported that Pakistan deported 506 Afghan immigrants on Sunday, continuing a repatriation process that began last October.

This ongoing effort has seen almost 700,000 people sent back to Afghanistan, leaving many in dire straits upon their return.

Of the recent deportees, 275 entered through the Spin Boldak border crossing in the south, which was reopened after a 10-month closure, and 269 through the Torkham border crossing in the east.

The flow of migrants from Iran remains substantial. On the same day, 3,269 Afghan immigrants entered the country from Iran. According to the ministry, 1,329 people crossed through the Islam Qala border town in Herat, while 1,940 migrants came through the Pul-e-Abrisham border town in Nimroz Province.

Returned migrants report facing severe hardships, including poverty, unemployment, and lack of shelter, amidst an ongoing economic crisis under nearly three years of Taliban rule.